My house was damaged and I cannot live in it. Do I need to pay my mortgage?

When the unexpected happens, we help individuals and businesses collect the money they deserve for their insurance claims.

If your house is damaged and you can’t live in it, you definitely still need to pay your mortgage. Your mortgage is a completely separate responsibility from the benefits that you hope to be able to get from your insurance policy. Your mortgage company does have an interest in your insurance policy often, but it’s important that you keep making your mortgage payments so that you don’t end up risking being in foreclosure or in default with your mortgage company. You may want to reach out to the mortgage company and talk with them and let them know that your house has been damaged and see if there is any involvement that they want to have in the process, but you should definitely keep making those mortgage payments.

Results Driven

We are a results-oriented property insurance law firm. Here are examples of results we secured for past clients.


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